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Internet Use Policy

Chapter: Services
Policy Number: 3.04
Original Effective Date:
Revision History: 8/18/21

Menomonee Falls Public Library provides access to computers and wireless Internet connections (Wi-Fi). All those using Library computers or accessing the Library’s Wi-Fi with their personal devices are subject to this policy. The Library reserves the right to disconnect any device and to deny Internet access if an individual fails to comply with any part of this policy. Illegal acts involving Library resources may be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal officials.

Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to:

  • Any illegal activity
  • Display of explicit or pornographic material
  • Harassment of others or violation of their privacy
  • Destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the Library
  • Unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials
  • Unauthorized changes to the setup or configuration of the software or hardware
  • Open food and/or beverages at or near Library computers or disruptive behavior
  • Unwillingness to follow Library staff instructions

In the spirit of freedom to access information regarding a vast array of subjects, the Library does not use filtering software on Library computers or Wi-Fi, and is not responsible for the content of the Internet. Individuals are responsible for their own appropriate use of the Internet at the Library. Library computers are public, and users should have no expectation of privacy. The Library reserves the right to monitor any individual’s use to ensure adherence to this policy.

A minor’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult to use a Library computer. Parents may block access to the Library’s computers for their minor children but Library Wi-Fi may still be accessible on mobile devices, including some Library-owned devices that are used for Library-sponsored programs and activities.

The Library assumes no responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its equipment and resources, or use of personal equipment. The Library is not responsible for the privacy practices or security of any websites accessed by patrons. The Library accepts no liability for loss of privacy or data patrons may experience, or any damage or harm arising from such loss.

All persons using the Library’s Internet computers must sign in with their own Library card number or with a guest pass. Before using an Internet terminal, or if using the Library’s Wi-Fi connections, users must read and accept the Internet Use Policy displayed on the screen.

The Library reserves the right to set usage time limits to ensure that all users have an opportunity to access the Library’s computers and the right to limit the number of users of a single computer.

Library staff is available for basic assistance only.